Sunday, 18 October 2009

I love DnB/Dubstep

I've been a massive fan of Drum and Bass since around 2003, my friend introduced me to the likes of DKay, Roni Size and Andy C. Since then I've been totally hooked. It's so energetic and lively. I love the basslines...especially on the Valve soundsystem. MMM YES.

Dubstep is fairly new, and is roughly just 140 BPM compared to DnB which is something like 160-190. It also focuses more on the bassline. :) Just a quick doodle, but I've been listening to an awesome mix and I felt inspired.

Edit: Fixed the hand. :P

EDIT EDIT ffff: Here are some examplessss.

Killing Time - Dubstep version

Killing Time - DnB version